I've been achieving my five a day with the assistance of spuds. One packet of Ready Salted, One of Salt 'n' Vinegar, a portion of chips and three grapes. Safe to say, I think, the Diet Police have no reason to come calling on me in the near future, and I am assured immunity from The Grim Reaper ©.
When I was a kid, when you had pie and chips, your mum would whip beautifully crisp chips out of the fire hazard that was a permanent resident on the corner of the stove. Do they still exist? I can't remember the last time I had home-cooked chips, and have become a slave to that evil invention of the late twentieth century, the oven chip. I had some on Saturday, and they were awful. WELL IT ENDS HERE! Can anyone please tell me how I can cook chips without a chip-pan. Or I'm off to the Curry's to buy an eyesore deep-fat-fryer.
223, isbw. 222 if you count the one that you gave me.
Then you'll be the Fryer Starter! Deep Fat Fryer Starter!*
Don't a use a fryer if you've got polystyrene ceiling tiles it's a killer combo - be warned
I use a fryer and it's ace. You can cook anything in it - chips, broccoli, sausages, scampi, cauliflower, carrots ... you name it. Thanks to my fryer, I've cut out all healthy food from my diet. Now I eat like the Scotch, and have become sexually-unnatractive to my partner.
It's great!
My mum used to make great homemade chips. I've never even considered making my own. Who can be arsed. That's what the chippy's for.
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