I was pondering the film Superman II this afternoon, as I often do in the early part of a new decade. You remember the one, it has its seeds in Superman: the Movie. Evil Kryptonite General Zod (Terence Stamp) and his henchpersons are imprisoned in a cube and banished forever into deep space, only to be accidentally freed by Superman, in what can only described as an act of utter incompetence.
In Superman II, they fly to earth and wreak havoc, whilst Superman is laid up with the Swine Flu, or some such.
As I wandered the snowy lanes, I pondered how the poor doomed beings of Krypton would feel if they found out that an evil being they thought they had exiled to an awful eternity, had been granted freedom, and the ability to oppress and create misery for millions.
How odd, then, that I should have that EXACT feeling when I returned from my walk and noticed that dull shrill Brummie, Cat ‘not actually a cat’ Deeley, is back on Saturday night TV.
Oh dear, she obviously bombed in the States, then. Does that make you feel any better?
Word def:'POOZO'. Does that??
Poozo is the type of television made by Cat Deeley, and Vernon Kaye.
I think she should go back and have another go.?
I thought the idea was that this show she's doing was such a hit in the US that they've bought it over here.
BA: Yup - even the prize is a chance to appear on the US version (as well as a wodge of cash, presumably ours as it is on BBC 1).
Update your blog, you buffoon in oaf's clothing.
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