I see Welsh actress Llindsay Llohan is defying doctors, who have only given her "months to live".
Look Magazine informs me that if she continues using the lethal cocktail of drugs and alcohol, she could be gone within three months. I assume if she takes more, it could be sooner. Or perhaps if she takes less, for a while, it could stretch out for maybe seven or eight months. I also understand doctor's fear she could go tomorrow if she gets hit by a large vehicle, or is involved in a violent robbery and/or fatal shooting, or is bitten by a rabid animal of some description.
She may also have to go back to jail, if she commits more crimes.
I reckon they should never have let her out early in the first place. She don't look like she got prostrate cancer to me.
Where can we find these lethal cocktails? Do Yates' sell them during Happy Hour?
If you're going to write a novel VS and tempt us with a tantalising snippet on your feed, don't let us down by having second thoughts and deleting the post!
I am bitterly disappointed you know.
I had found it a little wordy, and wanted to edit it to something a little more slick....
So it will be back?!
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