As you can see from MY digital iLeaderboard (from Apple), things are certainly hotting up in MY Celebrity Quiz (copyright 1992. All rights reserved). Obviously at the end of MY quiz there'll be a massively disappointing star prize? I think I can guarantee it will be a damn sight more disapointing then any other similar quizzes you might find on the www. So don't accept inferior pale imitations. Join MY Celebrity Quiz (copyright 1992. All rights reserved) TODAY!
There may* be the opportunity to gamble the massively disappointing star prize FOR A CAR!!!
I'll get you for this. This shabby excuse for a competition you're running isn't fit to lick MY shabby competition's boots, d'ye hear? For a start, that leaderboard looks rubbish, there's not a chance your star prize is as bad as mine, and MY competition offers those who haven't been diqualified (like wot you have, you rancid devil) the chance to gamble their shit prize for a car.
Read 'em and weep, you competition-thieving bastard.
And why the hell am I disqualified already?
erm.....You're offside.
I once saw Seaview/Open All Hours/Coronation Street bit-part actress, Maggie Ollerenshaw, in a chip shop in Northumberland. She later followed me on the crazy golf course.
Where's me prize?
I still feel sullied, which I quite like, but also confused. Obviously I want to win VS's disappointing and possibly non-existent prize, but from the Other Side, there's talk of the chance to gamble a shit prize for A CAR.I may have to cross over. I dunno now.
By the way, when I was 15 I got asked to dance by the only one of The Dooleys who wasn't talented enough to be in that chart-busting band. Can I just throw that in, to keep me on the leaderboard over here, while I make up my mind which competition to finally go for? I don't want Bright Ambassador sneaking past me.
Let's see, a new inclusion from both of you, that put's you both up to joint first place...erm where you were before. (Phew! Won't have to call the programmers at Apple for iLeadership board updates).
Perry's already disqualified you isbw, and, as I've seen to my cost, he doesn't forgive ( and the car'll be a crooked fix, like his underhand competition). Stick with me kid. You'll go a long way.
Well...if you're DO seem to have your contestants' best interests at heart. And Perry has disqualified me anyway (which seems a bit harsh, though he hadn't heard my Dooley's story at that point - he might reconsider),
Offside? Who makes your bloody rules? Hitler? How can I be offside when I haven't even revealed my crappy celebrities? Eh? At least my competition has clearly-defined parameters - yours flaps about like a wounded pigeon, you thieving shit.
AND I don't believe you're really offering a car. Like everything else about this disgrace of a contest, you've stolen the car idea off the original Underwhelming Celebrity Encounter Competition (MY COMPETITION, MINE). What car is it? Is it as dreadful as a 1979 Austin Allegro? I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT.
Now then, as for isbw's entry in your/my contest - the bloke out of The Dooleys would lead to instant DISQUALIFICATION. On the other hand, Bright Ambassador would be in with a shout with this Ollerenshaw character ... if he hadn't already been disqualified thanks to YOUR bloody meddling, Valentine.
May I offer my latest entrants, recently rejected from BEN P PERRY'S CORRUPT AND TWISTED BLOG?
So that's Ghostwatch and list-show guy Stephen Volk, Chris Goulstone and Alex Lovell.
Sorted. See you on the 22nd. I'll leave Jocasta in his kennel.
You bastards. Monkeys on my back, the lot of you. Just because I kicked you out of my competitioon, you think you'll get your jollies here, eh? LOOK HOW SHIT HIS LEADERBOARD IS! AND HE'S LYING ABOUT THE CAR ... AND THE PRIZE! Probably.
I swear I'll get my own back for this ... this ... sham! Even if I have to murder every man, woman, and child in Britain to get to you, Valentine, it's a price I'll pay gladly to get my hands round your thieving neck, y'damned internet brigand. Thieve my property, will you? Just you fucking wait! OH YES!
Now, who are you, and where do you live? Ahem ...
You don't think I'm going to publish my real name and location on a public internet site, do you? What if it were to fall into the wrong hands, like in the hands of someone who's trying to GET ME. I'm not stupid y'know. I'll add you on Facebook..
I drove past the shop used in Open All Hours...
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