I'm enjoying the new Arcade Fire album immensely. Seems a little more accessible and immediate than Neon Bible. How odd that band so seemingly obscure, should become so huge. Refreshing in an industry where 'artists' are ushered into studios by Simon Cowell to make money, rather than music. I also have tickets to their show in Birmingham, which is in an arena. I hate arena gigs, but needs must.
I've also rediscovered the album 'Ignorance' by Boo Hewerdine, which I bought in 1992, and loved. I then lent it to my sister, and came across again it last month. Lovely.
He has a nice blog. Which is here.
Arcade Fire do seem to have been 'heavily influenced' by my beloved British Sea Power, which leaves me somewhat ambivalent about them, to the point of wanting to march round to their house and ask them what they hell they think they're doing.
But I MAY give the new album a listen, sometime. Possibly.
Have you managed to attend any/all of the BSP/Manics shows?
The Suburbs is well worth a listen.
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