Tuesday 3 April 2007


Now that the clocks have finally gone forward, I can start to stretch for summer (though not too much at 6'4"). The worst part of winter is arriving home from work at 7 or 8 pm and having take the dogs out for a walk. During winter this is mostly a chore. The exceptions to this being weekends and snow days. Walking dogs in snow is a delight.

Where I live there are plenty of fields, and farmers who won't shoot you if you walk on them (or if they do they'll only go for a maim-shot).

Now we're in BST, the walks in cold dark (and probably haunted and stalked by serial killers) fields are behind me, and I can walk in warm dusty (and probably genetically modified and stalked by buxom farm girls) fields.

My companions for these walks are Billie (top) and Zillah, my two boxer dogs.
I also take my beloved Zen Vision M: and 3000 music tracks.

Current favourites on the playlist are Stephen King's Dark Tower books. At 41 I'm probably too old for King and should be reading something grown-up and serious. I don't feel 41 grown-up or serious, so I don't care. Dickens can wait (or he should have written about vampires and rabid dogs, instead of singing hungry orphans).

On the music side, I've been bludgeoned by the music and Sunday press into listening to Arcade Fire's Neon Bible. Which is rather fabulous, though it took me about twenty listens to 'get it'. I was quite enjoying telling people it was rubbish, and that they were just listening to the emperor's new clothes, now I can't.

Also very nice for pondering in fields is 'Things We Lost in the Fire' by Low. 'Laser Beam' makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

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